Parker Peterzak Has the Big School Blues (signed)

Parker Peterzak Has the Big School Blues (signed)

from $19.99

Parker Peterzak loves BIG words! In fact, every time she finds a new word, she jots it down in her Brainiac journal. All summer Parker's been collecting Big words to bring to her new BIG KID school. You see, up until now, Parker has been at a school for little kids. This year she’s moving into the third grade at Lane Elementary. But Parker soon finds out that starting a new school isn’t as easy as it seems. Will Lane Elementary live up to Parker’s expectations? Will Parker find a way to fit in at her new school? Or will Parker be stuck with the Big School Blues?

BACK-TO-SCHOOL bundles are available for a LIMITED time. Includes:

  • (SIGNED) Parker Peterzak Has the Big School Blues

  • Brainiac journal

  • Bookmark

  • Stickers, and

  • Parker fluffy pen!

*Buy 1 Gift 1

We’ve partnered with Strive Higher Inc, to provide 50 books for their Bronx scholars. A portion of each pre-sold book of SUNDAY DINNER will automatically go to the non-profit, but if you’d like to inch us closer to the goal consider gifting a copy. Each buy one, gift one purchaser will be highlighted in our newsletter and on our social media pages.

More about Striver Higher INC

Strive Higher Inc. provides underserved NYC children & youth with programs that educate, empower that help them reach their full potential. (Hardcopy only)

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NOTE: ALL BUY 1, GIFT 1 hardcopy books will be donated to one of our partners organizations/schools. Find out more here

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